AALRR is offering its comprehensive Title IX Virtual Academy to address all your questions and responsibilities regarding the recent changes to the Federal Title IX Regulations, effective August 1, 2024. The Academy consists of interactive trainings, consistent with the recommendations of the Office for Civil Rights, to explain the Title IX Regulations and the procedures for processing a Title IX complaint from the intake stage through a discipline recommendation, if any.
As of August 1, 2024, the amended Title IX Regulations (34 CFR Part 106) require educational institutions receiving federal financial assistance, known as “recipients,” which include public school districts and county offices of education, to do the following:
- Review and update policies and regulations regarding the recipient’s response to Title IX complaints of sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct. As a reminder, before adoption, model policies should be reviewed and revised to comply with district needs;
- Determine which individuals comprise the Title IX team;
- Train members of the Title IX team, including Title IX coordinators, investigators, decisionmakers, informal resolution process facilitators, appeals officers, and other persons who are responsible for implementing the recipient’s Title IX procedures or have the authority to modify or terminate supportive measures, on their respective duties;
- Train all employees on the recipient’s obligation to address sex discrimination in its education programs or activities, as well as the scope of conduct that constitutes sex discrimination under Title IX, including sex-based harassment;
- Post nondiscrimination policies on the recipient’s website, handbooks, catalogs, announcements, bulletins, and application forms; and
- Maintain records documenting Title IX complaints and the recipient’s response, as well as Title IX training materials.
This Academy will prepare your institution to prevent and address allegations of sex discrimination, which includes sex-based harassment, and discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy and related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity. This program will provide in-depth strategies and techniques to carry out thorough, trauma-informed investigations, reconcile disputed and undisputed material issues, weigh relevant evidence, assess credibility, make sound factual findings, and apply such findings to your policies to make determinations as to whether applicable Title IX policies have been violated.
Do not miss out on this opportunity to enhance your knowledge about Title IX and contribute to fostering a more equitable educational landscape. These trainings are for K-12 school districts and county offices of education. Register now to secure your spot!
Note- In addition to our virtual academy, our experienced attorneys are available to provide district-specific training. District-specific training is ideal for training multiple individuals and building bench strength across the Title IX team roles.