In part 1 we discussed about the cable project from equator to space. The main query which comes in mind was that if we will be able to transfer the machines from equator to orbit by the cables than cable must be very much strong which can bear such heavyweights.
The fact that comes is that there is no such cable metal present on earth which can bear much heavyweights but it is little possible to make a cable using carbon nanotubes.
Year2014 – scientists made special Boron nitride nanotubes and Diamonds nanotubes which can also contribute in making space Elevators.
Scientists believe that if we tried to make elevator from Earth to any less gravity space body we can become successful.
Scientists also believe that alien Civilization must have made this change in space
Can we go to watch aliens
If yes, then how????
Yes we can watch aliens by using warpdrive.
Warp drive is a special spacecraft which has speed more than light (not invented yet) .
FACT – when NASA Juno spacecraft came closer to Jupiter it acquired speed of 365000 kilometre per hour which was the highest speed ever recorded for humans.
Where as the speed of light is 1.07 into 10 raise to power 9 km per hour.
This speed is very much higher than our highest human achieve speed. Even it is impossible for us to imagine such a fast speed.
How does warp drive work – Einstein theory of relativity tell that mass and energy are interchangeable and if the mass of the particle is more than weight of its photons then it cannot travel by speed of light.
FACT – to travel in speed of light the object needs kinetic energy in infinite amount.
Practically there is nothing infinite in world.
Theoretical solutions – if we mould the space then we can travel without kinetic energy and can Aquire speed more than light.
You must have seen Warp drive in fiction movie star track.
There is no Warp drive with us..
Scientists believe that alien Civilization on other planets must have invented it but we are not able to trace them because for human speed more than light is only in stories and poems.
#STARS DISAPPEARING – scientists traced that stars are slowly vanishing and they believe that the stars are bieng captured by 👽 aliens.
What technology are they using here
DYSON SPHERE – it is a cage like structure which captured the stars and take all their energy and makes them small and invisible.
FACT – the energy in 1 star can be used for more than hundred years by whole Earth.
The aliens used this energy to discover universe.
This concept was first noticed in 1937 by the British philosopher and again noticed in 1960 by British philosopher frimen dyson .
Explained the topic of search for Artificial Stellar sources of infrared radiation. This topic was about theoretical Dyson and the concept become popular in whole world that’s why we called that structure as Dyson sphere.
FACT – if humans want to exist more than they have to make Dyson sphere around earth.
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